Our day at the field ended with chats with Bill Rhinehart of the Washington Nationals ballclub and New York Met Eddie Kunz.
Bill Rhinehart was an unbelievable guy and we here at LLR have just as much faith as he does that we will see him in the NL East next year.
Unfortunately Eddie had to run before we could get into it a little deeper with him, but as a Mets diehard, I was grateful for the time he did spend with me.
After the game, we headed on over to McDuffys, a cool sports bar right across from the arena. I chugged on Peach iced teas and forced Christina to be the designated driver. The bar seemed like a great hangout spot to relax post game and catch the rest of some World Series action... action I was not thrilled about.
Later on, we headed down the the Westgate area which was just a great time. It is an unbelievably adorable strip of bars and restaurants, very remniscent of Universal Citywalk, but without the annoying Woody Woodpeckers in your face. There we enjoyed a bunch of cocktails, endured an argument from some Phoenix Coyotes fans and all in all danced and drank and laughed until we decided Peoria was our favorite place on earth.

You just might catch LLR there again before the season is over and we hope to see your faces there too.

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